Congrats on purchasing your new theme! You are now one step closer to having the site you’ve always dreamed of. If you’ve never installed a theme before then this process might seem a little scary. Not to worry, we are here to help! Follow these simple instructions and you will have your new Genesis site up and running in no time at all.
Step 1:
In order for your theme to go live on your site, you’ll need to make sure you have the Genesis Framework installed. Once you have the framework installed you can move onto uploading your theme.
Step 2:
Your new theme should download as a zip file, do not unzip this file! Once you have your theme downloaded, you’ll want to log into your WordPress dashboard and hover your mouse over appearance and then click on themes. On your themes page you should see the Genesis Framework, if you don’t see this go back to step 1.
Click on add new, located at the top of the page and then upload theme. You will be prompted to upload your theme’s zip file. Once your theme has been uploaded, you will click on activate theme.
You are now ready to rock your new theme!